I had a hard time taking outfit photos today. I had to run to the post office to send off a return to Ruche after class, and thought I would stage my photos in the little grassy area beside the building. But with the sun being at odd places at 3:00, I was hard-pressed to get good lighting.

boots: Clarks, gifted
tights: Sock Dreams
dress: thrifted
belt: Ruche
long sleeve tee: street vendor in Brussels
cardigan: Gap
necklace: thrifted via my mum
You can kind of tell what I am wearing, right? In any case, the couple of photos that look odd do so because I was trying to make the lighting better with my shitty free photo software.
In other news, I am about halfway done with grading the student essays. Then I have 38 reading journals to sift through--and those are mostly handwritten. But! In two days I'll be eating a late dinner at Kerbey Lane with R! (I hope the pear-bacon grilled cheese sandwich is back on the seasonal menu; that with sweet potato fries and lime-cilantro dipping sauce is heaven).
Gorgeous outfit! I am in love with your dress. It's amazing!
you're adorable!
i still have not tried this pear-bacon grilled cheese sammich. however, i think i may have along with sweet potato fries and this dipping sauce.
also, http://www.chipotlefan.com/index.php?id=recipes
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