R has been very sweet as I try to avoid panic over this keyboard situation, giving me evening pep talks and even calling me in the middle of the day both yesterday and today to inquire how I am managing.
Well, readers, I am managing surprisingly well. I detached the gigantic keyboard from the desktop computer that sits in my office, and I plugged it into my tiny laptop in order to log on and save all new files to my external hard drive this morning in case the laptop itself dies. (I don't think that it will. I think that once the new keyboard that Z helped me order yesterday arrives, and after Z so gallantly helps me to replace the tea-stained keyboard with it, everything will return to normal).
So, I've meanwhile been grading and typing up the proposed bibliography for my Victorian essay. Once I've sorted through all of the reading journals, I should be ready to dive right in to my discussion of Villette alongside Voyage in the Dark and Good Morning, Midnight! Can this lady write a 20-page paper by next Thursday? Well, yes. With ease? Mmmm... maybe not so much. At least not while also grading and attending my classes.
Yesterday's outfit:

boots: gifted Clarks
tights: H&M
dress: thrifted vintage Sears
vest: vintage from etsy
belt: thrifted
scarf: stolen from my mum

boots: gifted Clatks, again
skirt: thrifted vintage (so woolly and warm!)
shirt: Gap, ancient
vest: thrifted Urban Outfitters
necklace: thrifted vintage
Current grading playlist consists of Laura Veirs, the xx, Twin Shadow, Bon Iver, Trifonic, and two songs by Hercules and Love Affair that I can't enough of: Painted Eyes and Leonora.