If you'll allow me for a moment, I will tell you that I am not a fan of my hips and my thighs. I'm just not. It's the Latina curse, I suppose; I have a tiny waist, and then these ridiculous curves that make half the things I want to wear looking infinitely better on--well, someone else. The first of these things is high-waisted pants. It is just not attractive for jeans to come in tightly on a tiny waist only to BALLOON out at the hips. And even if it somehow didn't look awful, there is probably not a pair of high-waisted jeans in the world that would accomodate a tiny waist that had large hips and thighs attached to it.
So, when I began to notice on fashion blogs and in JCrew catologues that nowadays ladies are beginning to tuck their shirts into their pants, I assumed that this, also, was not for me. When I (very rarely) wear pants, I tend to prefer longer shirts that will go over the hips, as if this would somehow hide them? Tucking a shirt into jeans--especially lower-waisted ones, as high-waisted do not accomodate my body type--would probably draw extra attention to that, my least favorite area on my body.
Today I figured, screw it. Let's see what happens.

hat: antique shop-ed
cardigan: JCrew
top and boots: thrifted
jeans: Gap
belt: via my mum
scarf: found under a couch cushion in college
It's not the worst look ever. Could high-waisted jeans be on the horizon? When next in Austin I'll have to check out a JCrew outlet and see if the impossible is now possible.
In other news: I am working like a maniac on the Adrienne Rich paper. Well, perhaps not a maniac. I'm only slightly panicked. My near future holds very little other than leftover chili and Adrienne Rich/Emmanuel Levinas.
Well, and Halloween...

Also, your problem is also my problem. I have a tiny waist and then BAM. You have several inches on me though, since I'm 5'3. But ugh, I hate it. I also have a tummy from the blasted medicine and some other reason why I'm gaining weight (I wish I knew).
You are so cute and badass<3.
Dude! The shirt-tucked-into-high-waisted-pants look is MADE for people like you! Rock it!
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