Last semester, I had two officemates. This semester, they seem to both have disappeared. What does this mean? Well, I don't have to worry about either of their office hours overlapping with my own, resulting in a long line of students outside the door in the narrow hallway! I don't have to worry about playing my Mountain Goats pandora station quietly in the afternoon between classes, either. I don't have to be embarassed if someone enters unannounced and finds me looking at Facebook or fashion blogs. And--drumroll--I can decorate the space howsoever I please!
Let me tell you: it is not a pretty space to work with. The room is small and rectangular with brick walls that I wish I could term 'charming,' though they mostly make it look like a fortress. There are three desks, two with large desktop computers on top; in fact, the third desk is really just a table. There is a gigantic puke green metal bookcase, and three metal khaki-coloured filing cabinets about as tall as I am. Other offices have plump vintage orange and mustard armchairs, and hat racks, and windows. But not 410. Nope!
Little by little, I've been cleaning the office out. There were student folders collecting dust on the bookshelves, and I finally took the liberty of peeking into them. I'm glad that I did--some of them were from as far back as 2007! Into the recycling bin.
I'm thinking some garlands of paper leaves would not be amiss. Nor a Doctor Who poster that I found in one of the magazines I bought from the comic shop in the fall? That might be taking it a step too far. Does anyone have any suggestions?

I really don't spend a ton of time in my office, but I'd like to think that I would feel at home if I did. On Mondays and Wednesdays I teach from 9:30-10:20, have office hours from 10:30-12:00, and then don't have class again until 5:00--and then, it is in not in the English building but a couple of blocks north of it (and up a large hill to boot) in the Business building. I've been going home before my evening class, because the building is a straight shot from my apartment. However, I might find it profitable to stay in my office for four hours and get some work done on the office computer. I never will, though, if I don't feel comfortable in my dreary office.
Once it's nice outside I can't wait to start riding my bike again. But for now, it is still much too cold, windy, and wet. I think you should be able to get a glimpse of just how windy it is in the following outfit photos:

[cardigan: Gap, dress: thrifted, tights: Sock Dreams, boots: gifted Clark's, belt: thrifted, necklace: thrifted]
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