Dear Faithful Readers (of which I believe I have about 3),
In order to give myself a little direction with regards to this blog, I have devised a new structure to lend to my posts. You might have noticed that I can't decide whether this is a fashion blog or a personal blog, and I have decided that it can be both. I want to try an experiment, where each day has a specific theme/topic/thing. Which will be as follows:
Music Monday:
Pretty self-evident. I'll post a song that I am currently diggin', or perhaps a sample of songs from a single album or artist.
Teaching Story Tuesday:
Teaching stories: I have them.
Wishlist Wednesday:
This is perhaps superficial. I'm okay with that. It just so happens that there are clothes and books and mostly clothes that I covet. On Wednesday I'll choose one or two items to gush over.
Time Travel Thursday:
In which I get in the TARDIS and go have tea with Charlotte Bronte and her ill father.*
Food Friday:
I cook a couple of large dishes each week and feed on the leftovers. I'll discuss one of the two recipes on Fridays.
Working Weekend:
I am a graduate student. And my blog will naturally reflect that. How can I not slip in musings on what I am working on? So, I devote 1-2 days to it--depending on my time.
The plan is to post outfit photos on some of these days, as time allows. But I have found it nice to do a bit of blogging during office hours. So let the new schedule commence this weekend. For now, have an outfit:

I was pretty excited about this dress back in January when I bought it from Modcloth during their ridiculous sale. So, I took about a dozen photos, all in very terrible lighting! The pattern makes me happy, and I'm excited to try it with every pair of colorful tights that I own before its gets too warm to wear tights any longer (that should be, what, early May?).
[dress:Modcloth, cardigan: Urban Outfitters, tights: Sock Dreams, boots: gifted]
*Not really. I still don't know what to do with Thursdays. Suggestions?
1 comment:
THOSE TIGHTS. Best color!
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