Just kidding. I meant, money. I have a few things to say on the subject. One being that I am this month going to attempt a major budgeting project because I've been thinking about travel again lately (read: London via Mrs. Dalloway and Paris via the Bourne films that R and I have been watching) and of course, to travel one must have some amount of miniature wealth.
And to save money I'm thinking of pulling a 30-for-30 in the month of May, solo, without the entire fashion blogging community attempting the same. I just need to force myself not to shop or even think of shopping for a month, and to remind myself that I do actually love my clothes. Really. I do.
Furthermore, I have an interview at Loft tomorrow. If you aren't familiar with Loft and their clothes, check out their website. I popped into the store last week before studying at Barnes and Nobles in Coralville and the staff was so friendly that I felt like I just had to pick up an application. I'd say that it might be about 30% Lauren-fashion (I mean, let's face it; since 85% of my clothes are thrifted/vintage, it's hard for any store that sells new clothes to carry my style); a 50% discount would certainly help me out in the blazer and trouser department come fall (read: teaching season). Anyhow, my goal is to work part-time this summer while I take French and put together an amazing seminar paper on Adrienne Rich and the ethics of memory.
I want to put away a good chunk of money into my savings account each month in anticipation of next summer--or more likely the one after--and the possibility of spending a month in Europe. A very cheap month.
Outfit Log: This is Making-Plans-and-Lists Lauren
shoes: Urban Outfitters
tights: Sock Dreams
dress: thrifted
cardigan: Urban Outfitters
belt: thrifted
That first photo you see there is my "No way did I think it was this cold outside today, as it's nearly MAY" picture. Get real, weather. I want spring.