It's coming to the final countdown, friends. The final draft of my Sentimentalism paper (15 pages) is due on Monday by 5pm. I must present a 10ish page paper on Saturday for my American Lit and Mass Culture course. This is the last week of classes, and I have only two introductions to anthologies to read for Thursday. And then? I have the rest of May to do what I wish before my summer French class begins in June, and before I will probably start to think seriously about my seminar paper (20+ pages) that I imagine I will turn in come August.
I still need to find an apartment for next year.
I still wish I had a cute, vintage bike.
A girl just walked into Copacabana wearing my Dream Anthropologie Skirt that I Still Wish I Had Bought.
I still think I need to lose weight.
But let's forget all of these negative "still"s for a moment. This weekend the yards of all the houses in Coralville near R's place were full of beautiful, bright yellow dandelions. He picked one for me and I wore it in my hair while we made Moroccan Chicken and Orzo (though with riso rather than orzo, to save $5).

We walked to Hy-vee to buy the necessary groceries and I loved the dandelions and the sun. The meal was delicious, and I still have leftovers to heat up for lunch tomorrow. Summer is coming--even if it feels like November and not May--and there is much to look forward to: cooking more ambitious, delicious meals; reading memoirs and letters and literary biographies; reading novels; running; watching people walk their dogs.
"There will be time, there will be time..."